Meet Jeff Johnson. This guy actually believes that Southern Churches and Civil Rights activists are as sexist as rap and hip-hop artists. HOLY CRAP! What a dumb a**! This pervert obviously thinks that Rosa Parks hiked up her skirt at the bus stop and did “the clap” before getting on the bus. Apparently the only history books he has ever read are previously jacked on issues of Playboy. He also thinks that Pastors of Southern Churches preach about serving God by pimpin’ out your b-atch’s and ho’s. At his church they apparently pass crack pipes instead of offering plates. The only people stupid enough to print the crap he writes is CNN.com.
As someone familiar with his platform, I'd suggest you listen and read more of his material before you pass pre-mature judgement. Right now, you sound like the idiot. He does not say that churches are as sexist some of the more degrading hip-hop lyrics. He says that the precident for sexism and male chauvinism was established in the black church (lack of female pastors) and the civil rights movement.
I don't really need to check any more material. Just the fact that he would write the following in an article indicates that he is blindly supporting hip-hop.
"The art form, culture, music or however you may describe hip-hop is a product of the black and Latino community. With that, it has inherited many of the cultural issues passed down from previous generations. Within the African-American community, there has been a pervasive sexism that has existed even within the upper echelons of leadership for generations. The black church barred women from the pulpit, but not from ensuring that many congregations remained served by the multitude of sister servants.
The civil rights movement, which has been justifiably praised for its ability to change the social and political fabric of America for the better, was overwhelmingly sexist. There were more women than men who did the day-to-day work of the movement, yet only men served as spokespersons. Sectors of the black power movement were marred by a misogynistic culture that led to the torture of several sisters who were as willing to give their lives to the movement as their male counterparts."
Based on the above quotes, yes, he did say that churches and the civil rights movement were more sexist than hip hop.
ummm. no, he didn't say that. try reading again out loud and slowly.
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