Jerry Falwell died this afternoon in Virginia. I couldn't help but to immediately wonder if God will judge him as harshly as he judged gays, lesbians, feminists, the ACLU, the PFAW, anti-apartheid activists, Bill Clinton, John McCain, the Scientific community, the teletubbies, democrats, AIDS patients, and pretty much everyone who isn't Southern Baptist.
Don't get me wrong. I don't support most of those groups either. Especially those darn teletubbies, they are the downfall of our society. I just never liked the way he talked down to those groups. He was a very condescending person when viewed in the public eye. I always thought it was funny how that "Reverend" was more concerned with chastising non-Christians than with showing them a righteous path.
I know I should say nice things about someone recently deceased, but that is just not the way I view the guy. As a member of a Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) church, I have always hated our affiliation with Jerry Falwell. The guy was a complete weeny. The bigoted comments and belief in segregation of that weeny has totally tainted the image of the SBC and many people look at us different as a result. The beliefs of Jerry Falwell have ruined church pastors who have been run out of churchs after finding that actual christians don't mind worshipping alongside of blacks. In fact our last pastor was one of those guys. The worst part is, I have heard people say that they are not acceptable enough to go to church because they were looked down upon by condescending "Christians" like Jerry Falwell.
I would say, "The world is better off without him", but that would be more judgment on a person than I would want on myself from God.
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