Why is America on track to spend 2 Trillion dollars on the effort to turn Iraq into a civilized country? Why spend that kind of money on the Muslims that hates us anyway? If there needed to be a war to avenge 9/11 then why didn’t we just spend 200 Billion dollars on leveling the place with every B52 we can throw at them? I say we should have tore the country down and then let them rebuild it. I don’t mean to sound cheap, or that money is more important than the soldiers risking their lives, but seriously, we are talking Trillions of dollars here people. There are a trillion ways to spend that kind of jack. And every one of them is a lot more worthwhile than just dumping it into Iraq. And here is my list of just a few of the ways to spend 1 Trillion dollars.
End World Hunger for 50 years. That’s right folks. At the current rate of 20 billion per year. 1 Trillion dollars can end World Hunger for the next half century. I would rather be known as "the President who spent a trillion dollars to end World Hunger” than “The retard who squandered a trillion dollars on the world’s largest liter box”.
Eliminate Cancer. Or at least put in 200 years worth of effort.
Eliminate diseases affecting the world. Or at least put 2000 times the money toward it than what is currently spent on eliminating AIDS.
Establish mining operations on a stabile asteroid. At the current rate of consumption, in a mere 200 years, the world’s coal supply will be totally depleted. If an inefficiently built space station can be built with 50 billion dollars, then we can definitely set things up to start tapping other extra-earthly sources of coal with 20 times that amount.
And my personal favorite:
Give everyone in the entire world a U.S. 1 hundred dollar bill. A trillion dollars would cover the cost to distribute the bills as well. Everyone in THE WORLD WOULD BE MY BEST FRIEND if I gave them $100.