Today there are politicians and lobbyist that are promoting global warming for the same reasons that politicians and lobbyist in the 90’s were promoting low flow toilets. All they want to do is sell you stuff that you don’t need. Yesterday it was big tin can tanks as nuclear bomb shelters, today it’s carbon offsets to fight global warming. What will it be tomorrow?
Here’s the deal. Water Vapor does the same thing as carbon dioxide when it comes to the greenhouse effect. Carbon Dioxide makes up only .04% of the Earths atmosphere while Water Vapor makes up 90% of the Earths atmosphere. Therefore, claiming that a reduction in carbon dioxide will fix global warming is like claiming that you can put out the wild forest fires out west by merely taking a leak on one tree.
In the very same way that the light metal structure of most 1960’s era bomb shelters was useless against radiation, reduction of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is useless in stopping global warming.
So why is the average temperature of the Earth rising? For the same reason that Ice Ages occurred in the past. Because that’s how the Earth works. It spins on it’s axis in a way that sometimes puts it farther from the sun which causes Ice Ages, and now we are finding out that it sometimes moves closer to cause what we might call “Fire Ages”.
So stop letting those turds in Washington get the last laugh. Flush ‘em down. If you got one of those low flow toilets, you might have to flush 3 or 4 times.

We've been in a general global warming since the last ice age when thousands of feet of ice covered Canada.
An eruption of a super volcano like Yellowstone or an Asteroid strike could send enough particals in the atmosphere to send us into global freezing.
are you insisting that global warming does not exist. that just shows your ignorance as a whole and by blaming it on politicians does not ease that thought. The fact is there is no possible way that co2 only consists of .04 of the atmosphere, maybe in a couple of million years ago.. but definitely not now. Co2, methane,h2o are the primary causes of global warming and co2 itself makes up 30% of the problem. also insisting that the reason we had a global freezing is because of a change in the axis is also absurd because a change in the orbit can not change drastically to the point that we are as far as Pluto causing a deep freeze. in reality it was the same thing thats happening now that caused the ice age. a super volcano spewed millions of particles of sulfur and soot the blocked the sun and caused the world to freeze. this is a widely accepted theory that many of the leading scientist believe is true. similarly if the reverse is put into play than there is no such thing a "fire age" because if that were true we would have to get drastically closer by completely changing our orbit and unless there is some cosmic intervention i do not believe that is happening soon.
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