Does anybody else find it odd that Pope Benny changed the Catholic churches approval of condoms for the expressed purpose of Anal Sex? I mean for a group of men trying to distance themselves from the crime of butt f**cking alter boys, the endorsement of anything for anal sex can’t possibly help their efforts. They might as well be endorsing ‘anointed anal lube’, or ‘consecrated crotch less underwear’ for that matter.
So now the fudge packing HIV activists are beside themselves with the misconception that the Vatican is partially endorsing their lifestyle. So this of course brings us to the real problem behind the new policy. You can’t condemn a behavior, yet endorse an object that, by Vatican reasoning, would only be used for that behavior. This is very paradoxical.
I am now forced to beg the question of why the Pope would be concerned about HIV from anal sex, but have no concern in the world for HIV from heterosexual sex as displayed in an earlier address to Africa’s AIDS epidemic. From where I am sitting, it looks like he is only worried that eventually some Catholic clergy will be exposed to HIV through their behavior. So, I am left with the question; would his position on condoms for heterosexual sex change if Catholic clergy were permitted to marry? Hmm.
If you haven’t read the bible from cover to cover, then you probably didn’t know that it is very repetitive. For example, the concept of being born again is repeated many times between the Prophet, Gospel, and Letter books, while the concept of Living Water is repeated at different times between the Old and New Testaments. But, nothing is repeated more than the concept that God cannot find favor with his people if we don’t remove the items and places of worship dedicated to false gods. For the first time in my life, I find myself confronted with the reality of this scriptural truth. Since I can’t very well go about the country destroying Jehovah halls, Mormon tabernacles, or Muslim mosques, what with my current level of influence in this country, I will resort to doing what is right on a scale that is possible for me.
I will burn a Quran.
I do not have any hatred for Muslims. I only have contempt for the methods they use to honor their false god, and I have a belief that all traces of this false god should be removed.
People tell me I shouldn’t do this. Even my wife, the person who should know me best, doesn’t approve of this. She is afraid that radical Islamic people will retaliate against us in a violent way. After spending a lot of time pondering the Quran burning issue, I have come to the realization that ignoring the encroachment of Muslims, and backing down with a greater fear of Muslims than of God, is the same thing as denying the existence of God. Jesus said that struggle and persecution were to be expected for the Christian Church. Today, American Christians are being (somewhat) persecuted in their own country by being shunned for being “intolerant” which in turn is a strong intolerance of Christian beliefs. After many years of being spared this persecution, American Christians need to face up to these new persecutions and take up their cross for Jesus. Unfortunately, today's Christians only seem to ignore the existence of this sin.
So therefore, I will have to take on this particular personal fight for God…alone.

I read an article yesterday about how best to deal with elderly people when they become too old to drive a car safely. The article itself wasn’t that big a deal, but the comments that people posted at the end of the article were. The commentary’s I read laid the blame of bad driving on everyone from teenagers to drunk drivers, as well as the elderly.
This got me to thinking. How many times in my entire life have I had a close call on the road because of an elderly person? I would say…maybe…5 times. What about drunk drivers? Maybe 5 times as well, but I don’t drive at a late hour very often. What about teenagers? I can’t really remember the last time I had a problem with driving as a result of the driver being a teen, but then again I don’t have kids.
So then I asked myself, how many times have I had a problem with somebody texting while driving? I immediately thought of like 10 instances from the last couple of days. So apparently, the highway safety people should forget everything else for now and fix this texting while driving thing before it gets way too far out of hand. And there have already been some efforts to do so. Unfortunately, PSA’s with dorky announcers don’t help, and police officers have no real way to enforce the laws that ban texting and driving.
Enter Arpeggio Andy, a man with an idea for a technological solution. I call it: The Automatic Off Button. It is a small transmitter hidden in all the electronics of a new car. This transmitter sends out a cell signal that is compatible with all cell phones, that has a broadcast radius big enough to encompass the interior of the car, and has the ability to turn off any cell phone internally. Thus, all cell phones will be rendered unusable inside the car while the engine is running. Hook, line, sinker…DONE!