Tuesday, October 16, 2007

If The Scribble Is A Joke, I Totally Get It

When the above political cartoon made its trip around the internet, I thought it was the most prolific and thought provoking thing I had seen in a long time. I loved the cartoon so much, and the “copycat” cartoons made by people who wanted the same attention, that I posted them on my old blog at MSN Spaces. There is no way anyone could say the original cartoons purpose was meant to piss people off, but that’s how people ended up treating the whole situation.

Recently the above “copycat” cartoon was submitted not as a political cartoon, but of all things, artistic expression. No joke! The Swedish guy that scribbled this piece of crap, Lars Vilks, actually calls it Art. If he called it a political cartoon, I might be able to stretch my mind enough to agree with any political message, but to call it art just totally ruins any credibility for the guy’s sanity. And as you can imagine, the Hajji’s are all rioting in the street and threatening to kill the guy. Apparently there is a bounty on the guy’s head of like 50 thousand bucks with an additional 25 thousand dollars if the killer slits his throat as if he is a sacrificial animal.

Did you know that this is not the first offensive scribble Lars has referred to as Art? He apparently made one some time back that depicted Jesus as a pedophile. I have looked seemingly everywhere for that scribble, but have come up completely empty. How could that Jesus cartoon seemingly fall off the face of the earth when it took me every bit of about 2 seconds to find all the Muhammad cartoons? Well let me tell you how that can be. All the Christians of the world didn’t riot in the streets and threaten to kill the guy. So the scribble just faded away into nothingness. “poof”
When are the Hajji’s gonna realize that it’s their dumb ass reaction to the cartoons that spawns the creation of more of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Muslims Against Sharia praise the courage of Lars Vilks, Ulf Johansson, Thorbjorn Larsson and the staff of Nerikes Allehanda and Dagens Nyheter and condemn threats issued by Abu Omar Al Baghdadi and the Islamic State of Iraq. Muslims Against Sharia will provide a payment of 100,000kr (about $15,000) for the information leading to capture or neutralization of Abu Omar Al Baghdadi.

Muslimer mot Sharia berömmer Lars Vilks, Ulf Johansson, Torbjörn Larsson och övriga anställda på Nerikes Allehanda och Dagens Nyheter för deras tapperhet och fördömer hotet från Abu Omar Al Baghdadi och Islamistiska Iraq. Muslimer mot Sharia betalar 100 000 SEK (ca 15 000$) för information som leder till gripande eller oskadligörande av Abu Omar Al Baghdadi.

Muslims Against Sharia

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