Are we raising a generation of Americans that are complete Wussys? I got stuck behind a junior high school bus on the way to work this morning. This wouldn’t have been a problem except that the bus almost literally stopped at the end of every single driveway. Are you telling me these wussy kids can’t even walk to the freakin’ corner to get on the bus? How lazy do kids have to be today if they can’t even walk any farther than the end of their driveway. When I was a little kid, I walked four blocks everyday to elementary school. Now granted, this isn’t exactly ten miles through the snow going up hill both ways, but to a five year old this is pretty far.
Kids today are way too tied up in video games. When I was a kid I remember my friends and I would stay out riding our bikes all day. Our parents had to make us come in from outside. Nowadays kids sit on their lazy butts all day playing video games.
It isn’t just the laziness I see in kids today either. These kids are getting no real social interaction while sitting at home playing video games or not congregating at the corner bus stop. They don't learn how to deal with problems in the real world. Kids today can’t just solve life’s problems by hitting the reset button on their game console. So when they are confronted with a real problem, like bullying, they become totally wussified. Then there seems to be this way of dealing with real life problems that is eerily similar to the virtual game play found in many first person shooter games. Yea, I know, for the ten kids that have launched these armed assaults on their schoolmates there are hundreds of millions that haven’t. But from what I gather, they at least consider it at some point.
Well, I guess that's about all I got to say about that.
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