We won the war with Iraq! Unfortunately for our Iraq Troops, there is no celebration at the announcement, no ticker tape parade to honor them, nothing. Only a speech from the president saying we should quickly put it behind us and "turn the page". That's right troops; we don't want to ponder on the fact that you put your life on the line for our country, we just want to forget it. And why not? It probably pains Obamuhammed to see the US whooping up on his towel headed allies in the middle east.
One thing I noticed about the president's speech is that he seemed to skirt around the idea of a US victory in Iraq. This morning as I read commentary on his speech, the news media is avoiding the idea completely. Why not? I mean we did subdue the country, and make it the US's B-otch. Or, if you want some hard number statistics, we killed 100,000 of their guys and they only killed 5000 of our guys. Where I come from, that's victory. So, why are the troops getting "snubbed"? I'll tell you why, because the liberal media loves them some Obamuhammed. If they say it's a victory, then that would look too good for Bush and the GOP who supported the war. So, they will not call it a victory. I think it's sad that the troops won a war for their country, but will probably never be given that credit.
Washington should be ashamed.
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