I know it’s probably too late to be asking this but, does anybody really understand why the decision makers at BP are total douche bags? It isn’t because they are the company responsible for the oil leak and that they totally dropped the ball on employee and ecological safety that the media has fixated on for the past 80+ days. Nope, that just makes them numb-nuts. It’s because throughout the whole thing, they have never stopped thinking about how they can continue to extract oil from this well or additional wells in the same spot. I have seen them make a greater effort at securing their future income, while watching the financial future of 5 states worth of Gulf Coast businesses being flushed down a Gulf of Mexico sized toilet.
The first and most douche bag thing BP did really has no connection to stopping an oil leak which was to start drilling 2 alternate wells that they call “relief wells”. BP doesn’t fool the engineers out there, we know that there’s enough oil in those reserves to provide maximum flow rate through all 3 oil wells. The real point behind those was to get more wells going in the Gulf before all that untapped deep sea oil is once again prohibited to drilling. Trust me; those wells aren’t going to relieve anything.
There were 2 capping methods that BP tried next that had tried in the past with no success, but they tried them anyways because they are a method to quickly extracting oil from the well that would otherwise be lost. Then there was the “junk shot/top kill method” which they should have tried first because it had the most chance of success, but of course they didn’t even try that until a month later. This would have probably worked, but there was so little time spent on this because it wasn’t what BP wanted to do.
Now they are back to re-capping the well. Why, because stopping the oil flow all together to save the Gulf of Mexico doesn’t benefit them. They ultimately want to extract that oil with no regard to wildlife and the livelihoods of uncountable numbers; all for the sake of their own bottom line. Everything BP has put effort on for this oil disaster has been directed at extracting, and NOT stopping the oil flow. That is what makes them total douche bags.
Even though I know it's futile, I think it's time for the little mouse
in internet media to begin squeaking again. With all of the injustices
being done in this country nowadays, it would be against my principles
to remain quiet. As I continue the original goal of this blog of
providing the intelligent insight lacking in today's news stories, I
will not hold back any punches, I will not be polite, and I will not
play nicely.
Impeachment Plea

The actions of past presidents have always been scrutinized by the
media, exalted by fellow party members, and demonized by opposing
parties. In the past everyone could at least agree that a president's
actions were for Democracy and the American way of life. However, as far
as our current president is concerned, he has actions that specifically
lean toward Socialism and an all controlling government. For some
reason, nobody wants to admit these huge elephants in the room these
days. Fortunately, there is a way for America to dodge the Socialism
bullet, and I would like to make this post my first plea for the
impeachment of Barrack Hussein Obama with an expedited removal of him
from the White House.
I should probably clarify that impeachment is not the process of
removing a civil official from office; it is merely a process for trying
them of a criminal activity. If the criminal activity is heinous enough,
then the House of Representatives will vote to remove the official from
office. Bill Clinton was impeached for getting a blow job in the oval
office. (Well actually it was for lying about it while under oath, but
you know what I mean) However the House didn't see getting a blow job as
a reason to remove him from office (frankly, neither did I), so he was
able to ride out the rest of his term. Andrew Johnson was also impeached
for forcing the removal of a previous president's cabinet member.
However, the law prohibiting that was obscure, so he also hung around.
The only president who would have been forced to leave the office of the
President was of course Richard Nixon, but he was man enough to leave
before the impeachment process even began because he cared more about
the country than about personal gain and reputation.
Now, with that said, here is the basis for impeaching Mr. Obama:
1) Obama affiliation with ACORN + ACORN confirmed to be using illegal
voter registration practices = Obama guilty of election fraud.
2) Obama asking Romanoff to quit senate race + offering Romanoff cabinet
position = more election fraud.
3) Obama asking Sestak to quit senate race + offering Sestak cabinet
position = even more election fraud.
4) Obama originating health plan + health plan details for pardoning
illegal aliens = unconstitutional misuse of power.
5) Forcing a new form of tax and lying about cap and trade for global
warming + pushing America towards Socialism = unconstitutional use of
That's right folks, I just gave you NOT one, but 5 valid platforms for a
campaign to impeach Obama! And, all 5 of these are also enough to have
Obama removed from office. The only question I have in addition to 'why
is Obama still president', is 'where are those racist KKK guys when the
country could actually benefit from them?'