.The Super Bowl commercials sucked this year. Some were on the verge of being good, some had potential to be good, but all-in-all they just sucked. You would think that if you were paying $2.7 million for 30 seconds worth of time that you would at least TRY to make that the best damn 30 seconds of viewing anyone has ever seen. I know it’s politically incorrect to say this, but I really miss the ‘bikini clad babe’ filled Budweiser commercials of the 80’s. Now those had potential to be the best 30 seconds on TV.
Oh. That’s Right, There’s Also a Football Game

.I always love to see a good nail biter in the last seconds of a game and when it’s in the Super Bowl, it’s that much better. Unfortunately I didn’t see Eli’s pass to Plaxico Burress to win this years Super Bowl; I fell asleep before the end of the game because everything leading up to that point was so boring. Luckily ESPN seemed to play that footage in an almost continual loop on Monday, so I did see it eventually. Is it me, or does it seem like everyone not associated with either team secretly wanted the Giants to win even if they bet on the Patriots?
I Think I Could Sell Him a Bridge in Brooklyn
I almost wet my pants laughing when I read about the high points of Bush’s projected budget for the upcoming year. He “wants” to “cut taxes” because it sounds good and will help the Republicans if the last one in office declares that he is for cutting taxes. He also “wants” to increase spending on the military despite the fact that the US is already on track to piss away $2 Trillion on defending the world’s largest cat box. The funniest part of the whole thing; it’s not really set to kick in until the spring of 2009. Apparently somebody needs to tell him that he can’t pretend to be a president anymore after this year.
The Beginning of World War III ?

.Yesterday, it was reported that Iran launched a rocket for a space program. Why does Iran need a space program? Are they planning to put a towel head on the moon by the end of the decade? I really don’t think so. This is scary when you think that a few months ago Iran was found to have centrifuges for Uranium enrichment. And last month it was discovered that Russia is sending Iran raw Uranium for enrichment. This is the natural progression for building a nuclear arsenal. Why is this a problem? Because, Iran has declared its intentions of destroying all the “infidels” in Israel, Europe, and America. It really seems like more people than me should be concerned about this.
The 10 Results That I Got From The Super Tuesday Primaries
1. I wish the democrats would decide between Hillary and Obama already.
2. I never would have guessed that Huckabee would get that many states.
3. I can’t believe McCain gained that big of a lead on Romney.
4. Why is Ron Paul still hanging around?
5. I think Super Tuesday was more entertaining than Super Bowl Sunday.
6. I Think people like Hillary Clinton. They really like her. They really, really, do.
7. I think it’s now clear that Obama’s multi-national heritage doesn’t include Latino.
8. It looks like most Republicans see McCain as “Conservative Lite”.
9. I think Hillary can beat Obama, I think McCain can beat Hillary, but illogically I don’t think McCain can beat Obama.
10. Exit Polls are worthless.
Personal Commentary
After yanking him out of his hole in the middle of hibernation for the last 112 years, I think it’s high time those folks in Gobbler’s Knob left poor Punxsutawney Phil alone.